Suppose, while you are driving to work one day, you are stopped by a traffic policeman for over speeding or some other traffic offense. When the policeman comes to you, and no matter how much you may want to take advantage of him or resist, if he says to you, “… by the authority of the Chief Commissioner of Police I command you to stop” you will stop. Or if a man comes to you while you are walking in town and says, “The PRESIDENT of Zimbabwe has sent me to tell you to … blah blah.” you will surely do it.
Why? Because the traffic cop, or the man in the street, as long as he is using a ‘name’ vested with authority by the higher powers, you are bound to listen to him. No matter how you may want to resist, you have to respect him for the authority that he represents. Note something important here. The traffic policeman, in his own name, or the street man, in his own name cannot force you to do anything. As long as he comes to you in his own name, or in his personal capacity he can never force you to do anything. But when he represents a higher authority, say a president, or a high government authority you are bound to listen to his instruction.
It reminds me of the biblical story of the lame man, who was laid at the temple gate called beautiful to beg for money from men (Acts 3:2). The bible records that one day he tried begging for money from Peter and John (the apostles of Jesus Christ) while they were going to the temple. And Peter replied to him and said,
“Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” – Acts 3:6
See that? Peter used the NAME of JESUS to heal the man of his lameness. Note something very interesting here. In the man’s own name he could not walk, in his father’s name or uncle’s name he could not walk. In fact, in Peter’s name he could not walk. If Peter had said, “I command you to walk” in his own stead, it probably wouldn’t have worked. But Peter used the NAME of JESUS, which is a powerful NAME to heal the man.
The bible says about the name of Jesus
“Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in the earth, and things under the earth…” – Phillipians 2:9,10.
See that? Peter knew that the name of Jesus had authority that’s why he used it to heal the man. The name of Jesus has power, because when you use it, you are representing an authority that has been exalted by God himself. That name can heal the sick, open blind eyes, cats out devils because it has power. Are you a Christian? Is anything wrong in your life? Does it look like things are going hay-wire for you? Are you facing terrible circumstances? Brother! Sister! You should use the NAME of JESUS. It has the power to change about any situation. When you understand the authority vested in the name of Jesus, and you have a revelation of the power that it represents, you’ll never be a victim in life because you know you can use a higher power to turn around any situation.