The only deal that life insurance companies give you is that you get your money after you die. But that's wrong, because their assumption is that there's only one way to leave this earth. There is, in fact, another way in which a person can leave this earth. It's called 'Sudden Disappearance'! A person could leave this earth, not by dying, but by suddenly disappearing.
What am I talking about? I am talking about the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH.
On that day, Christians will suddenly vanish away and leave this earth. In such a case, we, as Christians would fail to get the benefit of life insurance because the condition necessary for redeeming the benefits, that of death will not be met. That's exactly the reason why when a Christian enrolls themselves for a life insurance policy they should try by all means to get a contract that also includes coverage in the event of sudden disappearance.
One thing to bear in mind also is that getting life insurance is not for our benefit, it is for the benefit our families who will be left behind when we leave.