Friday, August 21, 2015

The amazing Jesus

He is simply extraordinary.

He turned plain water into wine when a wedding ceremony ran out of drink. (John 2:9)
He spit on clay one time and rubbed it on a man born blind and the man started seeing. (John 9:6)
He talked to a tree and told it not to bear fruit anymore and from that day it never bore any fruit again.  (Mark 11:14)

Insane men, mad men, crazy crazy dudes, who ran around a cemetery naked , became normal when they met Jesus. (Matthew 8:28-34)
One other guy, who died and was buried and was in the grave for 4 days was raised back to life. Jesus called him and said "Lazarus!!!" And the dead man, in his mummified body, came strolling out the grave. (John 11:43)

Wait for it, here is one interesting one.
One time, while preaching to a large crowd, with 5000 men (excluding children and men), and they were hungry and there was nowhere to buy food, He took 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and fed them all. In fact, it is recorded that after they had all eaten, 12 baskets of left overs were gathered. (Matthew 14:19-22)

Another time this Jesus walked on water. (Matthew 14:25)
Yes, you heard right, He walked on the surface of the sea and didn't drown, not even an inch deep.

Another time, when they were in a boat and there was a storm and the winds were blowing furiously, and the boat was about to capsize,  He commanded the wind and said "Peace. Be still" and there was a calm.
The guys who were with Him were afraid and asked each other "What manner of man is this? That even the wind and the seas obey him" (Matthew 8: 25-27)

I tell you, this Jesus of Nazareth blew their mind with awe everytime He walked with them.

In fact, one of his closest friends wrote and said
"There are many other things that Jesus did, the which if they could be written, I suppose that not even all the books in this world could contain all that he did"  (John 21:25)

He was that amazing. Always performing a miracle and His life was an unending stream of the miracles!!!

 The good news is, once you acquint yourself with Him and become close friends (family even) with Him, the miraculous  also starts happening in your life.

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