Friday, August 21, 2015

Jesus, the forgiver ...

This Jesus..eish...This Jesus I say is wonderful and full of love.

One time some folks came to Him with a woman who had been caught in adultery (as in caught between the sheets, literally, doing unspeakable things to a man who was not her husband) and they expected Him to point a finger at her and judge her.
Instead, he said, "I do not condemn you woman. Go free and do not sin again". (John 8:4-11).

What?? He forgave her and let her go without even punishing her!!!

Another time a certain crook named  Zaccheus, a very short man who was well known to be a sinner and conned many of their money climbed up a tree (because he was too short and was blocked by the large crowd) to see Jesus as he passed by the streets. Jesus said to him, "Zaccheus, today I will eat dinner at your house..." (Luke 19:2 - 10)

Another time, He appeared to Paul , a murderer who was killing his followers, and was actually on his way to a certain city to hunt for more followers of Jesus to capture them and sent them to be hanged. What did Jesus do? He didn't even judge Paul and punish him for his murders and bad works. He instead instantly forgave him and showed him who he really was and sent him to preach about him.

This Jesus, I say, this Jesus just blows my mind away.

How can he just act like you didn't do anything wrong and look past your bad deeds and your dark acts?

Nomatter what you've done, nomatter where you've been, nomatter how bad or terrible, nomatter how condemned you feel, it doesn't matter. He will forgive you and not hold it against you.
He will forgive you and love you.

He loves you even at your worst and when you feel unworthy of love.
He is that good and merciful.

All you need to do is acquint yourself with Him.

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